7107 FM 2920 Road, Spring, Texas 77379

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Bringing Out the Beauty in You is something I came up with years ago.  As a teen I was considered the ugly duckling.  This did not change as I got older.  As I entered the beauty business twenty years ago, I was told by many clients that they also had been told similar things.  Make-overs were eye opening for the client as well as myself.  I would tell them everyone has something beautiful inside.  The transformation they see in the mirror is my interpretation of their natural beauty.


Lisa Etie, Licensed Esthetician, Licensed Esthetic Instructor, Wellness Advocate, and Makeup Artist


DoTerra is my platform of natural beauty and health. I make a few body products with the essential oils and use the oils in my skincare business. The oils no matter if inhaled, applied topically or ingested can bring the body and mind to a natural state.


Book an appointment online through Square


Check me out on Fabskin247 for ordering. Click the link to order


Connect with me on DoTerra at mydoterra.com/botbiy change lives by sharing one oil one drop one person at a time.